Tag Archives: what colour should i wear

The seasonal method for colour analysis

So what is the ‘seasonal method’ for a colour analysis session?

THE SEASONAL METHOD – When a range of coloured fabrics are placed across your chest it becomes immediately obvious which colours enhance your looks and make you glow and which colours drain you, doing nothing for you at all. From this test Maggi can determine which of the four seasonal colour categories you personally fall in to.

What are the four seasonal colour categories?



The colour profile is LIGHT, BRIGHT, WARM

The natural look of Spring is




The colour profile is LIGHT, MUTED, COOL

The natural look of Summer is




The colour profile is DEEP, MUTED, WARM

The natural look of Autumn is




The colour profile is DEEP, BRIGHT, COOL

The natural look of Winter is





One of the best days of your life.  A day which is so special, so you have to get it right.  How  exciting to choose the style of dress and the colour.  However, is it a fun, easy exercise or a stressful one!

I wanted to share the dresses that Daisy tried on.   All very different with the styles and colours.. but which one did she choose and which one was right for her shape, colouring and personality?

After speaking with Daisy, she wanted to have a dress that matched her personality.  With her style preference being Classic/Dramatic, she wanted a dress that had the wow factor as well as  some elegance.

Dress No1 – Daisy’s first idea was to have a white wedding dress with gloves and a tiara.

Loving this idea, she chose this one.  Technically it works for her straight body shape, being cut in a straight shape, the dress is a lovely classic shape, the neckline works for her long neck.

Why it doesn’t work – the white colour is a little harsh against her skin tone, the fabric on the lower half has movement, which doesn’t work as Daisy has no curves, but overall, it lacks the wow factor.





Dress No2 – This time we went for colour, this suits her muted skin tone.  Same shape as before, more of an evening look. The fabric is better on Daisy’s straight angular body shape.

It doesn’t have the wow factor and the neckline reduces Daisy’s bust, not very flattering.





Dress No3 – A beautiful dress, the soft pink is a gorgeous colour for Daisy.  Sadly, it doesn’t show in the photo, but the dress has a wonderful shimmer effect, making the dress look expensive. The cut is fuller, making it more wow.  It also has a lovely criss cross shaping at the back looking very sexy.

Again the neck line is not the best and it could be better!


It is so true, that when you know you have the dress you know… well we both did!  It is very Daisy, she wanted class, simplicity and drama.  What a beautiful dress! Check out those trendy pockets.  The neckline is better for Daisy, it gives her a beautiful shape, the grey/blue colour is one of her top colours in her pallet, the fabric is stiffer, matching her straight angular body shape, making the fabric sit better on the body …it has shimmer, class, drama and definitely has the wow factor.  I love the green showing through at the front of the dress.

Watch this space when we have the whole look to show you on the day!

When choosing an outfit, the first thing you need to get right is to ensure the garment represents YOU!  If it isn’t you, you won’t like wearing it.  Do you know your style preference?

Colour is so important, having the right colour will make you look radiant, well and sit in harmony with your hair, skin and eye colour.

The FIT is crucial .. if this isn’t right, the dress will look wrong.  Ensure that you know your body shape, proportions, scale and other rules that you can show off or hide if you wish to, to look the best version of you.

10 Basic Style Tips to Clear and Organise Your Wardrobe



Finally, the sun has arrived.  It is now time to put away your winter woolly clothes and bring out all your summer garments.

The question is… where to begin!  I can hear you screaming and panicking, not knowing what to keep, what to get rid of, what works for my body and style and finally, not knowing how to put it all together.  Well, if it makes you feel better, we all feel this way.  It is so overwhelming building the perfect capsule wardrobe; it takes time and knowledge, to get it right.

So many of us, hate shopping.  Not knowing what to choose, what suits us and what colours work together.  Nothing tends to fit us properly, so we either go home with nothing or buy some random piece which doesn’t work with anything else or sits in the wardrobe with the label on; sound familiar?  Hardly any of us are happy with our bodies; our confidence being affected massively.

Well,I am here to help!  Below, are some fab tips on what you need to do, before creating a perfect capsule wardrobe.  I have provided some basics to help you shift your mind set into positive thoughts.

So, are you ready to begin again?!  Let’s go!

  1. Organisation

The first thing to do, is to put all your clothes into piles on the bed.  Knitwear, trousers, skirts, t-shirts, dresses etc.

Bring all your shoes out, and put them into neat sections with flats, heels and trainers.

  1. Condition

To have a good look, you need to have clothes that are in good condition.  Wearing tatty, beaten up clothes is not the answer.  Look at your garments carefully.  If they have holes or are worn, faded, stained in anyway, then put into a pile to throw or charity.

This includes going through your shoes.  If they have turned up toes, totally soleless, scratched or full of mud, get rid of them!

The garments that are right, use good quality wooden hangers and shoe trees in shoes and boots, to keep the shape and take out the moisture, keeping them fresh and good condition.

  1. Comfort and Fit

One of the most important things on a day to day, is to feel comfortable. If you don’t feel this way, you won’t enjoy wearing your outfit, and it will seriously, affect your day.


You will know the garments that feel uncomfortable to wear as soon as you put them on.  This could be the fabric being too stiff or itchy.  It could be the fit – is too tight? It could be the other way, and the garment is too baggy, which bothers you. Go through and clear them.

If you have gained weight for whatever reason, what you need to ask yourself is, am I going to lose that stone?

If the answer is yes, then great.  When you have reached your target, then go out and purchase clothes.

Be honest with yourself!  If you are not going to lose the weight, that is fine.  Be happy with your new size and ensure that you have pieces in your wardrobe that fit you well and flatter your shape.

Don’t forget your shoes.  They are the hardest item to get right in your wardrobe.  If they feel uncomfortable, whether they are too high or they rub or cut in the wrong places, or just generally uncomfortable to wear, then give to friends, sell to a dress agency or give to charity.

You will never want to wear shoes, if they are uncomfortable.

  1. Colour

Colour is key.  Wearing the right colours, especially around your face will make you look younger, fresher and radiant!  Remove all the colours from the piles of clothes that do not work for you.  By doing this, you will notice that your outfits will work together more successfully.

Also, having colour in your wardrobe and wearing colour will make you feel so much better within yourself.  Be brave, and start introducing some colours that you haven’t worn before.

If you are thinking, what colours suit me, then a ‘colour analysis’ would be the answer!

  1. Up to date

One of the problems I see in people’s wardrobe, is there is always clothes, shoes and accessories, that have been in there since the 1980’s.  My clients give me a great tale of when they wore it and get a little excited.

If you would like an up to date modern wardrobe, ‘you have to move on!’

  • You are not at ‘uni’ anymore.
  • You are not in a ‘corporate’ role anymore, so why have all those clothes in the closet?
  • The ‘dallas’ look with the wide padded shoulder pads is no more!
  • Shapeless trousers with the large, low waistband is not going to look good on anyone.
  • Are you saying to yourself ‘I have had that necklace since school?’

Having modern, classic pieces in your wardrobe is going to make you look fresh, young and modern.  I am sure, we all want that!!

  1. Fear

If you have been good and achieved numbers 1-5… WELL DONE!!

This is great, you have done so well.  Give yourself a pat on the back.

You might have experienced many emotions whilst clearing your clothes. Some of my clients feel a failure that they did not get it right or have spent so much money on clothes that were not right.  When I first started doing this exercise, I felt the same.

I need to say that this is very normal to feel this way.  You need to remember, that you did not know!  If you haven’t had the education of what to do, then you cannot achieve the perfect capsule wardrobe.

You can now turn this round to a positive and clear out the old and start with the new you!  It feels fabulous when you get it right.

  1. Memories

There will be clothes that you have in your wardrobe that mean something.  Maybe, from a loved one, funeral or wedding.  This is not going to be part of your day to day wardrobe.  A suggestion is to put these clothes in a memory box or in another wardrobe with a suit cover so they will be protected.

  1. Other

You will have other clothes that again do not take part in your main capsule wardrobe.  This could be gym wear, walking gear, gardening or cleaning.  These clothes can be put somewhere nice and tidy away in a drawer or another part of the house.

  1. Visible



The amount of wardrobes I have gone into that have 4 garments on one hanger or hidden shoes and scarves or areas that you cannot get to.

If you cannot see the items, you will not know that they are there so you won’t be wearing them.

When you put the pieces that are right, back into your wardrobe, ensure that they can be seen.

This will also make it easier when mixing and matching your garments.

  1. Style

Probably, in your wardrobe you will have a collection of clothes that are different styles.  The reason why we find it hard to put an outfit together because of the mismatch of styles that do not work together.

This is one of the most important things to get right and will make a massive difference to your clothing choices in the future.

The basics I am going to help you with, is to ask yourself some questions:

  1. Do I like to look classic, tidy and smart?
  2. Do I like to feel comfortable, casual and unstructured?
  3. Do I like to look girlie, frilly and feminine?
  4. Do I like to choose things that are a little different?
  5. Do I like to look sporty?

Whatever the answers are to the above (you can have 2 choices), this needs to relate to your clothing choices that are going to be correct in your wardrobe.

  1. = Classic  2. = Natural  3. = Romantic  4. = Dramatic  e) = Sporty

Classic, Dramatic Style Preference

For example: I am Classic, Dramatic

I like to look tailored, smart but have a little drama in my outfit and my overall look. The clues are with the cashmere classic jumper, leather trousers and my hair style.

I now know that my choice of garments need to be smart and classic, as well as having a little drama in them.  This could be in my jewellery, shoes, styles, colour and prints.

The main thing to understand is YOU HAVE TO BE YOU!  Don’t copy anyone else’s look, (unless they are the same as you) which could be a celebrity.  I love the look of Olivia Palermo.  She has the same body shape as me and style, which then works.

Go through each item and put back in your wardrobe the garments that are your correct style.  You will then notice that there is a theme going on, that you will naturally feel pleased about and feel comfortable with.  Every item that is in there, you should look at it and love it!

The aim is to STICK TO IT!

I do hope you have enjoyed my tips on how to clear a wardrobe.

Here is an example, where I did all the above for a client.  She came to me to and had an in-depth training on colour and style, that was personal to her.

At a later date, I then blitzed her wardrobe a couple of times, took her shopping and completed a perfect capsule wardrobe that was right for her.

Here we have all the correct colours, a classic, natural style preference.  All the garments work for her in the day and evening and match perfectly.

This is what Clare had to say.…. “I used to despair when choosing clothes . . . Nothing really fitted me, so many were colours that were wrong and the styles were a bit of a mish mash.

Now, it is a pleasure to open the wardrobe and see beautiful clothes hanging on the rail. Now, I have colours that suit me, styles that make the very best of my figure and there are so many combinations from just a few well chosen clothes.

I have a confidence that I haven’t had in years.” 

If you would like to understand your body, colouring, and to find out where you are going right and wrong, then do look at my packages to see how I can help.  https://maggigreen.co.uk/starter/

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