A positive self-image
This self-image e-book shows you how to develop a positive mindset, take control of your life, and bring out the best version of you. To have the confidence to look in the mirror, feel comfortable in what you see, and say ‘I’m looking good, and I’m worth it!’.
As you are aware, within the past few years, there has been a lot of negative things happening in the world, such as, the pandemic, Ukrainian war and the economy crisis. In one way or another, we have all been affected. However, we do have a choice on how to deal with these challenges. To either let them affect us personally – bringing on worry and doubt, or to be grateful for what we have, to develop an attitude of calm, confidence, and happiness.
Looking at the pictures below – where would you say you are right now? On the positive side or negative? If you are unsure, think about the way you dress. Do you wear a lot of black and baggy clothes to hide, or are you confident in wearing colour, and not frightened to show off your personality in what you wear?
A positive self-image can help you to achieve great things as you find your way through life with an assertive and positive attitude, believing in yourself to accomplish your goals.
A negative self-image can lead to failure and missed opportunities as you doubt your capabilities. It will also affect your relationships, career, personal health, and happiness.
Have a look at these statements received by my clients, and see if they resonate with you. If so, it may be a sign that you could benefit with improving your self-image:
- I want to come across as a confident person.
- I find it hard accepting who I am.
- I don’t know who I am anymore – I feel totally lost.
- I hate looking in the mirror and seeing what I see.
- I would love to try something new, but do not have the confidence to do this.
- I feel like I am being taken for granted – I find it hard to say no to people.
- I want to be the real me and look amazing, but things are holding me back.
- I worry what other people think of me.
One of my areas of expertise is having an authentic approach with people who have gone through traumatic experiences within their lives. Facing personal challenges of bulling and coercive control, was why I wanted to create an online workshop/book that could provide special tools to help people regain their true amazing selves. I think it is so sad that we are living in a world of ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not attractive’, ‘She’s better than me’. All to do with people saying these words to us when we were a child. It’s absolute nonsense – and not true! We are all unique and wonderful people – we just need to be educated.
We are excited to offer a new online workshop, called –
This e-book is about ‘embracing your true self’. Providing everyday habits and exercises to build a new, strong self-image and showing you ways to tackle negative self-talk. Education on image consultancy is included, showing you how to establish your unique style preference to help you present a clear identity, making a strong first impression.
Within this e-book, you will learn:
- The meaning of self-image and how it can have a huge effect on us in a positive and negative way.
- To look at your present self and evaluate the areas of need and improvement.
- To discover your negative and positive beliefs.
- Steps to turn the negative beliefs into positives.
- How to create a new self-image.
- A new positive daily routine.
- The science of your mind – what is stopping us from moving forward.
- Future tips on how to help you with your new self-image.
- You will be invited to a private members group on Facebook to share your thoughts and wins.
- To have a monthly zoom call, to see how you are getting on and answer any questions.
Maybe, you are going through some sort of transition in your life, where you would like to make some positive changes. This workshop is a must for men and women of all ages, to discover their amazing selves and communicate this to the world.
COST – £120
If you fancy joining my workshop, we would love to hear from you. info@maggigreen.co.uk
Let’s have fun in creating a new you!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM to see some of the things I offer, and my before and afters.