
Make 2019 the year of change – New Year New You

New Year New You – do you really want another year of dealing with those horrible, anxious feelings when you have to face the task to clear out your wardrobe, knowing what to wear and how to put it together?

Feeling sick, having to look at the shops online and in the high street trying to choose the perfect outfit that makes you feel good and confident but not knowing where to start or what to do?

To have the confidence to be able to do this, is very hard.  We all have too many clothes in our wardrobes and there is so much choice in the shops – without the knowledge, it is pretty impossible!  It also doesn’t help with how we feel about ourselves – how are we going to look good if we don’t feel confident with our bodies and who we are.

After listening to so many of my clients, I feel this stems from childhood.  I am sure you remember other children looking attractive, having the perfect hair, make-up and being the coolest kid on the block.  The older we get, this stays with us and niggles away at the back of our heads, coming back with vengeance in certain situations, making us feel that we want to crawl in a ball and disappear.

However, as a young child, we need to remember that we were never taught the basics in self-care, what hair style suits us, understanding our bodies or our unique colouring – nothing about our DNA!  We should not expect to know the knowledge of image.


To be able to project ourselves in a positive way for people to take us seriously, to like and trust us – we have to go out there and let others see that we look the business, but most importantly, feel confident inside!!

To be the best we can in our personal and professional life is knowing our talent and being unique inside and out.

To not let these niggly excuses get in the way of others seeing how wonderful we really are.  We all feel the same in wishing we could look better – but showing off our assets and looking amazing, opens up a huge exciting world.

Results from a few of my clients…

“Thank you for your consultation with me.  You were so sensitive and encouraging.  I think you have a real gift for the work you do, helping each of us re-kindle confidence and enthusiasm in what can be a vulnerable area of our lives, often kept very private.

Thank you for helping to re-awaken a more playful and engaged connection with my appearance !”  Anonymous client

After working with Maggi on simple rules for style and colour, I enjoyed a shopping trip for the first time in my adult life. Maggi politely and professionally put me back in control of how I look, and I’d recommend her services to anyone.    Emma, Plymouth

Below are some offers to help you begin your new journey..

FULL COLOUR CONSULTATION – Make things easier by finding out what colours look amazing on you.  Everything will go together so much better when you know your wonderful pallet of colours.                       1.5 hours – £130 (£10 off full price)

STYLE CONSULTATION – Haven’t you always wanted to know what to wear that suits your body shape, to feel confident and look amazing?  I can show you how.     2.5 hours – £170 (£10 off full price)

WARDROBE WEED – So many clothes…. where do I start.  Let me help weed out the wrong things and leave you with beautiful garments that fit and suit you well.       4 hours – £190 (£20 off full price)

SHOPPING TRIP – Let’s go shopping and find pieces that you need for that perfect capsule wardrobe that work together, fit you well and look fantastic on you.    5 hours – from £230 (£30 off full price)


CLASSIC – colour and style £300 (£25 off full price)

ELITE – all packages (£50 off full price)

EXECUTIVE – package (£100 off full price)

GIFT VOUCHERS – are available

Offers end Monday 11th February 2019.  This for men and women.

All prices are based in Exeter.  Outside area, travelling expenses will be added.

I travel to help people in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Bath, Bristol and London.

What is an Image Consultant

What is an Image Consultant?  

An Image consultant help people make the best of their own personal style and Image.  They explain, in detail, the colours and styles that suit the individual’s personal colouring (in terms of hair, skin tone and eyes) and body shape.  They also offer services such as wardrobe weeding, personal shopping and styling.

They help people with their personal and professional Image.  Clients come to an Image consultant because they are in a phase of transition and are looking to improve themselves in some way.  This could be related to a career move, to find a soulmate, improve their confidence, separation, bereavement or, to up their game at work.

An Image consultant work well with organisations.  They provide workshops and help individuals with personal branding, professional image and impact, non-verbal communication and brand alignment.

What is an Image consultant and why does it matter?

When I get asked what I do for a living, it can go several ways:

  1. The person looks at me blank – has no idea what an Image consultant is.
  2. They come across, looking and feeling confident that they do not need an Image consultant.
  3. Feel totally embarrassed, thinking they are going to be assessed and wish that they made an effort.
  4. Look at me as if they are not bothered. Tell me that they didn’t have time to do their hair and threw on baggy black clothes, because it is smart and that will do.
  5. Assume straight away that a stylist only works with the rich and famous. An elite service that they cannot afford.

Well, let me explain what I do and why it matters.  I have a passion for helping people look and feel good and becoming more successful.  I genuinely believe that all of us need to see an Image Consultant.  We all should be educated to understand who we are, what to do and how to look good.

Once we have the basic skills with how to make the best of our hair, skin, colouring and body shape, it becomes so much easier.  The skills that you are taught will be with you for the rest of your life.  It will be a huge asset to your personal and professional life.  Your confidence will fly, having a positive effect on your well-being.

How much does looks or physical appearance matter?

It matters a lot.  As humans, we are inclined to judge others by their physical appearance, as visual information is the first thing we see when we meet for the first time.

We are told that ‘appearances can be deceptive’ and not to ‘judge a book by its cover’.  And yet, we cannot help making on-the-spot judgments about people based on what we see.

How you look is incredibly important, now we are in the age of digital communication.  In seconds, your image can convey so many things, such as success, status, character, personality, and of course style. Whether you like it or not, people will formulate an opinion about you before they even know you, solely based on what you are wearing and how you carry yourself.

An image consultant will help you match your unique self on the inside, creating an image that you want to present to the outside world.

Simply put, an image consultant will help you to create a positive brand and a strong professional image.

How to be confident in 2019

My ‘passion in life’ is to teach people how to look good, feel confident and be more successful.

The reason I feel so strongly about helping people is, when I was a young child, I had no confidence, my looks were described as ‘ugly’, and my success was nil.

A shy, thin, naïve girl that had few friends, suffered from alopecia, was bullied by many, and did not have the confidence to have a voice and say no.

As a result, growing up was a challenge, having little knowledge with the outside world.  I did everything I could to better myself, to become a successful person who was talented, liked, confident and attractive.  Along the way, due to my lack of confidence and knowledge, I attracted the wrong people.

Thankfully, it all turned around in my forties.  My newfound confidence shifted my world, my career, my health and my relationships.  After years of education, discussion and practice, I would like to share with you my 8 top tips on how to be confident.

1. Be your unique self

This is one of the most important things to get right.  Finding out who you are, is crucial to your look.  We want to show off your personality, your quirks and your style.

We tend to copy others to look amazing, and realise it doesn’t work on us.  Why copy others, when we have amazing traits ourselves?

Write a list of your authentic strengths, qualities and values.

What is unique about you?

To help you do this, ask your close friends, colleagues or family to give you three words to describe your personality.  You probably, will be surprised with what they come back with.  It boosts your confidence with what they come back and say; you will be surprised and feel good.

Another example, would be to be in a room of people – go out of the room for 10 mins – what would you like them to say about you?

Once you have the words that relate to who you are, you then match them on the outside with your image.  By doing this, you will feel comfortable with what you are wearing and feel confident to be YOU!

2. Realise you are not alone

I have helped hundreds of people with their image.  When I speak to them for the first time, this is what they tend to say…

  • I never knew how to look good when I was younger, or how to do my hair and never wore make-up because I didn’t know how to
  • I bumble along, not knowing what to wear or how to look, so I play safe and wear my jeans and a top. It doesn’t matter, as no-one sees me
  • I feel stuck in a rut, I need help; I am hopeless
  • I don’t know what to choose in the shops, or know what suits me – I feel frustrated, and go home with nothing
  • I feel plain and boring – I want to change
  • I want to find out who I am, but I don’t know how
  • I would like to know what suits my body and colouring
  • I hate my body and am not the most attractive
  • I get up in the morning and say to myself “I don’t what to wear”

The majority of people, lack in confidence.  This is due to the lack of knowledge and know how.

What I say to people is… “I hear this all the time”.

We were not educated when we were younger on how to apply make-up, how to wash our hair, how to come across, what suits our colouring and how to make the best of our body.

Don’t feel upset and lose confidence over this.  We didn’t have the knowledge and education to understand what to do.  We all feel the same.  We all hate something about ourselves, it is normal.

3. Show off your assets

We all have good areas in our bodies.  Have a good look at yourself and make a list of what they are.  To begin with, you will find this difficult, but as your confidence grows, the list will get longer.

For example –

  • If you have good teeth or a smile, let people see and smile more.
  • If you have amazing legs, show them off wearing a lighter colour, make them longer by wearing the same colour shoes as trousers.
  • If you have great hair, make that your asset.
  • If you have a good figure, wear fitted clothing to show it off.
  • If you have gorgeous eyes, let people see them.

Whatever your assets are, don’t be afraid to show them off.  When people notice, this will affect your confidence.

4. Don’t hide

Due to not being confident, the first thing we want to do is hide.  Our confidence will not grow, until we go out of our comfort zone and show ourselves to the world.

This could be wearing baggy clothes, hiding behind our hair and wearing dark clothing.  By doing this, we are not showing off our lovely personalities, faces and bodies.


Let’s think of the basics – wear clothes that fit you well.  Ensure you have cleaned your face and body with a good cleanser and moisturiser.  Wear simple make-up ladies.  Your hair should be clean, cut well, excellent condition and coloured by an expert.

5. Understand your body

We all have unique bodies that are different shapes, sizes and lengths.  To make the best of yourself and to feel confident, you need to understand your own body.

This would be:


  • To know if you have shortness or length and to know how to balance out your bodies to look the best when choosing an outfit.
  • To know your body shape to understand what cuts, fabrics and finishes to go for to make the best of your body.
  • To know where you are going right and wrong with your clothing choices and how to move forward correctly.
  • To know what garments work for your personality to show yourself off, again boosting your confidence.

Having this information has made a massive difference to my confidence.  When you are not confident you are indecisive, which is so frustrating inside.  When you have been educated, and go by your own personal rules, things are much easier and clearer to make decisions.

6. Wear colours that make you look young, fresh and radiant

Colour has a huge effect on our appearance and confidence.  When you wear the wrong colour, it can make you look sad, grumpy and unsure about yourself.  People can run a mile if you are looking aggressive or untrustworthy.

Understanding your dominant colour characteristics, makes a massive difference to your confidence, look and the way you are perceived.

Example –

  • If you have light hair eyes and skin, wear light colours
  • If you have dark hair, eyes and skin, wear darker colours
  • If you have some brightness to your hair and skin – wear bright colours
  • If you look muted and soft within your skin – wear softer colours
  • If you have yellowy coloured skin, wear gold accessories
  • If you have cool, pinky coloured skin, wear silver accessories

I am giving you the basics of colour analysis.  The best thing would be to have your colours analysed for you to look approachable and attractive to others, as well as feeling great yourself.

7. Body language

When you are not confident, you hold your head low and find it difficult to look at people.

Go out of your comfort zone and try these things:

  • Smile – people like being smiled at, it makes you feel good
  • Eye contact – try and look at people in the eye. Maintaining eye contact shows confidence
  • Posture – stand with your head held high and straight
  • Handshake – we don’t want a wet fish! A firm, simple, strong handshake is required
  • Walk with confidence

This is all to do with nonverbal communication.  Your choice of colour, clothing and hairstyle are also to do with your body language.

Certain colours can have an effect on your mood.  All these little judgments have an effect on a first impression.

8. Don’t stop

When you have all the skills, you will feel so much better within yourself and won’t be so frightened to try things.

All these little changes will make a massive difference to your life as so many of my clients that I have helped.  You will have a ‘light bulb’ moment where you will realise that actually….






Finally, keep moving forward and going out of your comfort zone.  Don’t forget to practice the steps.

This is what one of my recent clients had to say….

“Thank you for your consultation with me.  You were so sensitive and encouraging.  I think you have a real gift for the work you do, helping each of us re-kindle confidence and enthusiasm in what can be a vulnerable area of our lives, often kept very private.

Thank you for helping to re-awaken a more playful and engaged connection with my appearance !”

If you wish to know more, then I would be excited to help boost your confidence.

Your comments on my blog, would be very much appreciated.

Bespoke corporate teambuilding Image consulting workshop

Devon Air Ambulance

Devon Air Ambulance Exeter

I was asked to do a fun workshop on ‘Why Colour Matters’.  A hands on session, where all the ladies involved were shown how powerful colour is, how it affects us and the importance of wearing it.

The ladies were very surprised and really interested in how different we all are, how colour can improve the way we look, the way we feel, and how we are perceived.

They were all a joy to work with and am looking forward to the next team building Image workshop next year.

This is what they had to say…

“We had a really enjoyable time; the workshop was informative, interactive, engaging and – above all – fun.  It taught us lots about ourselves and each other, and was great as a teambuilding event!

We had such a blast we’d like to invite Maggi back to host another session.”

Melanie Stevens   HR Advisor

3 fab hidden men’s shops in Exeter

Sadly, more and more shops are closing in Exeter, making it harder and harder to shop.

I was asked to do a shopping trip with Tom to find much needed basic garments for his wardrobe. He was reluctant to shop in Exeter due to the choice, but after doing lots of research I found some interesting places that would work for him personally.

  1. Always in Colour – Queen Street

This is an independent men’s shop.  A contemporary space for clothing that is modern and fresh.  They have great quality brands with some fab hidden treasures.

I thought this was the right place for Tom still young at 40. Wanting to look current, as well as being creative, this shop works for his personality, I felt he needed a bit of bravery.



A quirky t-shirt that is not boring, the angles of the print work with his straight body shape and makes his chest larger.  The jersey jacket is practical, comfortable and trendy; a very easy jacket to wear on a day to day.  Finishing off with some Veja trainers that go so well with the outfit.


2. Finisterre - High Street



A shop that Tom has never been in to.

The reason I wanted to go here is due to the fantastic quality knitwear that would work for him.



Tom loved this grey jumper.  It has a modern relaxed fit, 80 per cent lambswool, a quirky ribbed funnel neck with buttons and a dropped shoulder.

After teaching him what colours work for him, the mid grey was perfect… he looks great.



I also found this gorgeous blue jumper for him.  It has wonderful texture, an unusual neckline and is made from 100% extra fine wool.  The fit is great and will be a great basic for his wardrobe.








3. Loake Shoemakers - Cathedral green

Kelvin, Manager of Loakes


I was very excited when I saw that this shop was opening in Exeter.

The one thing that is a must for a man is a pair of good quality shoes.

Every male client I have worked with, needs education on how important it is.

Why do I see so many tatty, old fashioned shoes in wardrobes!!

Here we see Tom in a gorgeous pair of Chelsea boots… a classic for guys, that is a must for winter wardrobes.  I chose a beautiful  colour brown, to work with the rest of his new purchases and a colour that is current for this season.  As Tom is 6ft 2, the boots need to be in keeping with his scale and his personality.  They were a win win all around.  

Tom was impressed with Loakes having his size 12; a problem for him normally.

You can clearly see, that this is not just a pair of shoes you would buy from a normal shop.  The work and love that has gone into the Chelsea boots and the other shoes are second to none.

Kelvin and his colleague Tom has a unique service, where they provide a full fitting service, excellent product knowledge and good old fashioned customer service.  You must go in and take a look.

Here is a photo of Tom in his other purchases for the day.


Biker jacket was from Diesel, T-shirt from All Saints, Jeans 511 from Levi’s.

We had a very successful day in Exeter…. it is amazing what you can find if you know where to look!!



Have a read of what Tom had to say in my testimonials page.


corporate workshop

Taunton Somerset Ladies

This is what a fun, informative workshop with 40 business women on the power of Image consultancy looks like.

An invigorating and active session, where we engage everyone on the power of first impressions, non-verbal communication and how to be more visual interesting, resulting in becoming more successful.

As you can see from the photos, we encourage participation and get everyone on their feet thinking about the subject.

The women were in great spirits and left with a greater awareness of how important it is to look the part. This is what they had to say…

“Massive thanks go out to Maggi for yesterday’s presentation at our birthday meeting.

I have reflected a lot on what you told us, particularly how we want people to view us in that significant first encounter.

Fantastic advice and guidance on our clothes, style and possible areas for development/ improvement”.

“Thank you, Maggi. It was really interesting and thought-provoking”.

If you are interested in invigorating your team and sharpening up your corporate image, get in touch with

Who says shopping in Exeter is limited?

It has been the busiest year with taking people shopping. Men and women wanting to have clothes in their wardrobes that they can wear with confidence, that fit them, enhance their bodies, show off their amazing colouring and their unique personality.

This is an area of expertise that I have mastered and enjoy very much.  Finding the perfect garment, shoe or accessory is like winning the lottery.  How one thing can change a person for the better is something that you cannot describe.

Without hesitation, I would normally take my clients to Bath, Bristol and London for more choice.  However, this is sometimes not practical for my client, so more recently have been shopping in Exeter and have been surprised at the things I have found.

My aim always, is to take clients shopping to places that they have not been in before.  It makes the day more interesting and encourages them to come out of their comfort zone.

Here are some places that I would like to share with you that I have been impressed with….

The idea of this particular shopping trip was to find some pieces for my client’s Autumn/Winter wardrobe.  Coats, knitwear and trousers and jewellery were priority.

Jigsaw – High street and John Lewis

A modern, contemporary brand that suits a lot of women’s classic/natural style with good quality, fabric and colours.

If you would like to modernise yourself, then this shop is definitely worth a try.

Here we picked up some mid grey jeans, that worked with her colouring and other pieces in her wardrobe.

A great fit, slight stretch and mid rise.

Finisterre – 57 High Street, Exeter

This is a shop that I have been walking by for ages.  You need to go in and have a look.  When you understand the brand and their values, you appreciate how excellent the clothing is.

A shop for men and women that caters well if you are an outdoor person wanting warm, practical clothing that will protect you against all weathers.

My client does a lot of hiking and needed a lightweight waterproof coat with a hood.  I was so impressed with the staff’s product knowledge.  They knew every detail about the garment, which is very rare, sadly in the retail industry.  The companies I trained with back in the 80’s, were insistent you knew everything about the product/brand before assisting clients; this to me is very important.

I kept asking questions, and the lady answered everyone with confidence.  They even have a wash and reproof service to maintain the coat at little cost.

I also like the fact that the director started the company in Cornwall and the head office is still based there.

As well as my client’s needs, I am also looking for the best colour to make her look young and fresh, ensuring the coat is the correct length, the cut and fit works for her body shape, and aware of her proportions and height…. Perfect!


Crystals – 14 Gandy Street


A hidden gem that I always look in.  This is a place where you need to have a good eye to pick out that amazing piece to finish off your look.  They have lots of unique stones in all different colours and shapes which is very interesting.

For my client, I was looking for an angular, medium sized stone, based in silver with a gemstone that was soft and muted to go with a lot of her outfits.  After asking, they brought out a box of hidden pieces; I found just what I was looking for.


A beautiful labradorite stone…. a unique statement piece.

As you can see from the photo, a wonderful one off that my client now wears all the time.  She wore no jewellery before, due to lack of knowledge and no how.

The most important thing when working with a client, is to find out who they are.  This takes a lot of practice, however, when you have it, it is gold!  Once you have this mastered, you can go anywhere and find something, that is them to a tee.

Orvis – Barbour Outlet Cathedral Close

Another shop that my clients have walked by.

So many people say to me…. but there is nothing out there that fits me.  Where do I go to find….

Well, you need to go in to these places and take a look!

On our list was a lightweight jacket that had to be stylish for day wear, modern, classic and simple.




Everything was perfect for my client, she looked great.  Even better, upstairs in the section of Barbour, it is an outlet, so was a good price.

An excellent quality classic that will never date.







I also saw a gilet in her size and colour.  This is a great piece to wear now for the in between weather that keeps your body warm, but not too hot.

Something that she would not consider, but after trying, absolutely loved it.



Whilst my client was purchasing her coats, looking with my beady eye, what did I find…. 1 pair of blue moleskin trousers in her size in the sale!!

The fit is fantastic.  My client’s original jeans were old fashioned and not a great fit.  She has a great figure, and needs to show it off.  So many people wear jeans and a jumper.  They desperately want to get away from this, but they don’t know how.

Moleskin trousers are beautiful, classic, different and warm, which works well in the chilly days.  I liked them so much, after doing an online shopping for the missing pieces, I found the same trouser on line in another soft colour that will go with the ideal capsule wardrobe.

Edinburgh Woolen Mill – Cathedral Close

Yes, this shop sadly is still dated, but has good priced cashmere jumpers with unusual different colours and necklines.  Marks & Spencer is not only the place for cashmere.

I was looking for a beautiful v-neck cashmere jumper with a fresh colour to liven up her winter wardrobe.  Again, I found it!

This blue is fantastic against her skin tone and her gorgeous blue eyes.  It also matches well with the barbour coats above and other items in her wardrobe.  I love it!

While I was there, I found a wonderful cashmere scarf with a modern check with colours that worked with the coats and the jumper.  Not only is the check on trend this season, but also complements her angular facial features; what a find.








John Lewis –




It is brilliant now that we have a modern department store in Exeter.  Sometimes, I just shop here with my clients, find what I am looking for and do not have the need to go elsewhere.

Yes, I agree with the majority, I so wish there was more stock in each concession, but it is worth shopping here.

We were wanting a trench coat.  This can be worn in the day for a more stylish look, but also can be worn to see clients for a more corporate feel to meet my client’s needs.

There are so many styles of trench coats, which can be tricky.  As my client was very classic, she wanted a coat that was very plain, hardly any detail, but also was not too bulky with lots going on.

With the above information, Hobbs, ticked the boxes.  Usually, I would not choose this colour for clients, as it does tend to wash out skin tones.

However, the more we looked at the colour; it was right. It had a minky, pink tone to it, which worked so well with her cool brown hair and the french blue tones and grey with clothing.

My client has a straight body shape and is 5ft 5inches tall.  The coat is the correct length, the fabric is right for her body shape and purchasing a classic white shirt finishes off the classy look.


Well, I hope this information has opened your eyes when shopping in Exeter.  We had such an amazing day and found some great items for the much needed capsule wardrobe. They all work together, and will last my client a long time and will not date.

If you want to hear what my client has said with working with me, take a look.

Professional male before and after


Ashok before

Ashok after


Here we have an intelligent and phenomenal individual.

Ashok is a Doctor in Bath.

Our objective, was to improve his image both professionally and socially.

He wanted to wear clothing which represented his kind, charming and fun personality.

As you can see in his before photo, he was struggling with looking ordinary, unkempt and ill-matched.

Here we have changed him to a handsome, modern gentleman that looks younger, slimmer and definitely not boring!

A joy to work with.

This is what he had to say….

“I am extremely happy with all the items purchased and there have been many comments about my new image which are very positive so I’m extremely pleased.  Thank you once again for your kind help”.

Executive brand before and after

Here we have a wonderful couple, who are very busy with their successful
brand. This means that they need stylish, easy to co-ordinate clothing
that shows off their company during their public and TV appearances.

Will and Charlie on QVC – before photo


Charlie Bears is a luxury, collectable teddy bear company with a sense of fun and a classic British background.

We wanted to emulate and match that
reputation with the owners as well as honour their personal characters.



Will after


We succeed in creating a beautiful capsule wardrobe, filled with amazing quality items, that fit well, look appropriate and are easy to wear.

Will looks sensational.

They are now able to arrive at any event or challenging
situation ready for action.

This is what Will had to say….

“I am really enjoying my new look and have to say that I feel so much more confident, and also making my own choices.

When I am at work, I can walk into a room and own it, knowing that I look the part… it has made a huge difference.”


Professional male – before and after

Here we have Baz a Business Consultant and Executive Coach.

It was obvious the moment I met Baz that he had an infectious, warm nature and a great sense of humour.  My focus was to bring this out with colours that worked with his natural colouring. Knowing that first impressions are crucial for his work as a trainer we needed to ensure that Baz looked the part when dealing with clients and a UK Board of Directors

As you can see in his before photo, the black ill fitting suit projects a heavy, serious look with no sense of identity and no wow factor.

Here we have transformed his look to show off the professional, charismatic, and approachable man with a bubbly personality that shines through. Now, we can all see the message that Baz is trying to portray to others.  What a difference!





This is what Baz had to say….

“Maggi has an eye for what looks good, in a way that I was completely blind to.

People now comment about how much younger I look and how much sharper I’m dressed.

I have a new suit which is both a better fit and a colour that better suits me as well as shirts, new glasses and brogues.

personal image and impact