I love the energy and passion you convey when carrying out consults, I definitely felt that I had your full attention and that you wanted to succeed in helping me with positive changes to my look.
Not only did our session rejuvenate my wardrobe and thought processes about what I wear and why, it gave my friends a boost when they benefitted from my huge wardrobe clear out! The amount I needed to get rid of that really wasn’t right for me just shows how much money I have wasted by not having the skills to make good choices – not good for my bank account or the environment.
Although still hard, shopping is at least a little easier armed with suggestions on shapes and colours, and the ability to rule out the majority of options without wasting time being unsure.
I left feeling more positive about the potential for me to create good outfits, and excited to update my hair too for a total makeover. The follow up hair consult brought me a step closer to the full package of change needed.
My wardrobe and hair are both an ongoing work in progress, but I do feel like I’m heading in the right direction, and I look forward to continuing the journey with your helpful input when needed.
Sue Truro, Cornwall